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23 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

Hürriyet Yaşayanlar

The World's Quietest Hotel Is...

The Hotel Regina looks regal, and you'll get a queenly night's sleep.
Hotels get rated all the time on affordability, cleanliness, or walking distance to local attractions. But for the first time ever, a new Dutch-based organization called Quiet Hotel Room has given out accolades for, you guessed it, the world's quietest hotel rooms—call it the Global Sleep Index.
The winner of the first-ever prize was Paris's Hotel Regina. Although the centrally located hotel is in the 1st arrondissement, near the Luxembourg Gardens and the Louvre Museum, it sits on a quiet corner, with thick insulated walls and spacious rooms; the 32 suites and 99 guest rooms are oversized, meaning you're less likely to be smushed up against a wall that that you share with your neighbor's TV.

The Quiet Hotel Awards name winners based on several criteria, including the number of rooms (fewer people usually means less noise), whether the hotel had a bar/restaurant on the premises, the location (side street versus busy square), and customer feedback on hotel-review websites. And perhaps quiet hotels in Paris are becoming a trend: The Hilton Paris Orly won the prize for the quietest airport hotel. That's great news for anyone whose top travel priority is a good night's sleep, and for business travelers who want to get some work done while on the road. So much for going to an off-the-grid resort in the middle of nowhere for a snooze-filled vacation next year.

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